Laura Lynn

Our charity partner, Laura Lynn.

Did you know our charity partner is Laura Lynn? We’ve been proudly supporting Laura Lynn, Ireland’s only children’s hospice, as our dedicated charity since 2017. Based in Dublin they provide specialist hospice care to children from all over Ireland. Their holistic approach enables them to support the whole family, allowing patients to be children and parents to be mums and …

O'Briens Green Re-Usable Cup

O’Briens New Green Cup

We are delighted to introduce our new O’Briens reusable coffee cup – the Green Cup! While the benefits of a reusable coffee cup are not an entirely new concept, the impact of using one in favour of disposable cups have a long reaching positive effect on our environment. Half of the plastic used in the world today is for single …

O'Briens Connolly Station, Dublin

Connolly Station Arrival

We are proud to announce our brand new location in Dublin’s historic Connolly Station is now open! Our new café space boasts a warm and inviting atmosphere to escape the hustle and bustle of Connolly Station’s fast moving environment. Enjoy your O’Briens the way you want it… Got time? – Make a considered decision with an O’Briens team member at …